Why You Should Under Optimize Your Website

Under Optimize Not Over Optimize

As a website owner, you want to attract traffic to your site and it’s only natural to try your hardest to do as well as possible, but that often leads you to over optimize your site…….. a big mistake!

Over optimization is the biggest cause of ranking problems in Google. If you have put any effort at all into trying to rank higher in Google SERP’s then chances are that there will be over optimized elements on your website.

What is Over Optimization?

It is quite straightforward to over optimize a website. Commonly, it is caused by a combination of your keyword density being too high on page, in conjunction with too many exact match, partial match or phrase match backlinks.

Because of the difficulties in measuring the balance between on-page keyword density and off-page keyword density, it is very easy to do.

The temptation when you build a new link and see your rankings increase is to add another similar link, thinking that you will rise further & climb online, but the opposite is true.

Whenever you get the temptation to build a new exact match backlink, don’t…… instead, build a junk link (click for more, read full story here, etc) or a URL or brand link…. or for a little variety, an image link with empty alt text attribute. If you are struggling to build quality, Google friendly links, ask deehoseo.com to create quality links for you.

This empty link will still pass content relevance from the link category and content topic of the content it is in, but will be unoptimized, making it look natural and natural is your best friend where link building is concerned.